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CLIENT NEWS: Hundreds of missing KCE shareholders sought; nearly $680,000 in dividends owed

King Country Energy is on the hunt for more than 700 missing shareholders who have moved on from their last known address and who are collectively owed nearly $680,000 in dividends.

Existing customers and the wider King Country community are being encouraged to check a list of missing shareholder names to see if they might be located.

When KCE was restructured in 1999, shares were issued to then-electricity consumers in the King Country. Over the years, some people have moved, passed away or cannot be found. KCE periodically tries to find these shareholders to pay them any unclaimed dividends.

KCE CEO Rob Foster says KCE wants to spread the word to these missing shareholders or their families. “We will have a lot of people in our KCE region who’ll know of people who’ve moved away. We’re asking them to spread the word among family, friends, and former neighbours, and let them know they may have money owed to them.” Shareholders who are located will also have the option of selling their shares on the Unlisted Exchange.

A list of former customers’ names and last known towns is being hosted by share registry Link Market Services at

This is the point of contact for anyone who thinks they or their family could be one of the missing shareholders; Link Market Services will work with anyone who comes forward to establish identity and update their details and pay out anything that might be owed to them.

Mr Foster says it’s important that KCE has updated details for its shareholders and he urges anyone who knows of customers from the late 90s who have moved from the area, to mention the campaign to them. “We know how connected our customers are in this region and so we’re asking them to pass it on to those who might be owed some historic dividends.

“Our message to everyone is check the list and if you recognise any names, then pass it on.”

Check the list at or email Link Market Services at or phone on 09 375 5998.